In a dystopian future, Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum—he still has his youth, but he was never Batman. Bruce dons his Bat-cowl, breaks out of the asylum, and—accompanied by The Joker’s animated, severed head—begins a surreal journey to solve the mystery of his past and find out who’s responsible for destroying the world. Encountering both friends and enemies along the way, the Dark Knight’s quest through the devastated landscape may prove to be his last adventure ever.
Batman is based on the comic Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1 (Comic 2019)
Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3 comes with a baton, lantern holding Joker’s head, and base.
Figure includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the remaining pieces will assemble Bane from Batman: Last Knight on Earth Earth #2
Included collectible art card with Last Knight on Earth #1 (Comic 2019) artwork on the front, and character biography on the back
Collect all additional Last Knight on Earth Figures to BUILD THE BANE!